Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Twenty Five

lowly bastard of a soldier has the gall to look me in the eye and call me a murderer.  His crony lolls there against the doorframe, nicotine-stained fingers scratching at the gristle of beard on his leathery neck, accusing me with his eyes.

I know what had happened; they believe in their tiny little minds that I therefore declare my guilt.  They know nothing.  The Seers did what had to be done; they have no right to pass judgment on us.  We are the Keepers of the Devices; we are the Seers of What Is to Come.  The litany rolls through my head, buffering me against their heresy.

“I wear the Ring; I Know the Future; I am Seer.  I hold the Vision; I Speak the Truth; I am Seer. None shall Know what I Know; none shall See what I See; I am Seer, they are Nothing.”

Another impudent accusation is hurled at my face by the brute in charge.  Refusing to grant him the honor of my gaze, I stare into the Abyss and repeat, “You are Nothing.  He is Nothing.  Those who died were Nothing.”

I know they will eventually tire of this useless charade and put me through the meaningless ritual of a public hanging, all to satisfy their bestial blood-lust, their craving for “vengeance.”  To a Seer, death means nothing. Who did they think they were, meting out “justice” on me?

Who did they think they were?