Saturday, July 23, 2011

Twenty Eight

wild ride off the deep end.  I'd seen nothing like what I'd seen in the last three days; not sure I would ever recover, or if I even wanted to.

When I finally said "Goodbye" to everyone who helped me take down the Co-op, it was with a few tears and a lot of promises to keep in touch. I'm pretty sure we all knew that was a bunch of bull, but it helped cut the pain.  I looked them each in the eye and promised how much I would miss them.

The sun was beginning to set, painting the sky a gorgeous pink and blue.  I got on my Vespa, cranked the engine (as much as one can on an Italian scooter,) and rode off.

It would have been more poetic to ride off into the sunset, but I was heading east, and was low on gas.